What is a non-critical traffic request?
Non-Critical traffic requests include reporting signal timing issues, non-functioning walk-wait indicators or pedestrian crossing buttons, issues with traffic signs other than Stop or Yield signs. Other examples include requesting a new sign or traffic signal installed.
How do I report or request a non-critical traffic request for a traffic sign or signal?
Residents should fill out the Traffic Concerns Form. A hard copy of the form is also available in the Division of Engineering offices, located on the 13th floor of the County-City Building. Hard copies should be mailed to:
City of South Bend – Engineering Division
227 W. Jefferson Blvd, Ste 1306
South Bend, IN 46601
How long does it take to respond to a traffic signal service request?
Non-emergency service requests response time will vary depending on request type and call volume.
311 Process Notes
Engineering is not expected to call back with updates - Liaisons should fill out the service request. When completing the traffic concern form please advised residents of the following: "Thank you for submitting a traffic concern to the Engineering Office. Your request will be reviewed by our team and may require further investigation, including traffic counts and speed studies. This can take several weeks so please know that we are working to address your concern" All requests are tracked and may need to be considered for a later time.