Utility Assistance Program (UAP) Audit

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Utility Assistance Program (UAP) Audit

This article describes the UAP audit process. If you are looking for information about UAP more generally, visit the South Bend Utility Assistance Program (UAP) article.

What is the UAP audit?

The UAP audit is a process conducted by the City to ensure that the program is being utilized effectively. An audit is a process which asks a random percentage of participants to provide more details about their application in order to ensure a significant proportion of participants are eligible for the program.

The audit process consists of four steps:

  1. Randomly selected participants will receive notice that they are included in the audit.
  2. Participants will submit requested documentation to verify program eligibility.
  3. The City will review documentation and request additional information, as needed.
  4. The City will provide results of the audit to each participant, including any follow-up actions or results.

Why is the City conducting an audit?

The audit is a vital part of the City's commitment to maintaining the integrity of the program. We want to ensure that those who are in need of utility assistance receive it while preventing fraud or misuse of funds. The City aims to conduct an audit of UAP participants on an annual basis.

Who is being audited?

The City will randomly select at least 5% of current UAP participants to audit. If you are one of the randomly selected participants, you will receive a notice by mail, email, and/or phone call.

If you received the shown postcard, you have been selected and must respond.

UAP audit initial notice postcard

I received notice that I am being audited. What do I do?

If you received a notice by mail, email, or phone call that you have been randomly selected to be included in the audit, you must acknowledge that you received the notice within 10 business days by submitting the Initial Notice Form:

After you have submitted the initial form, the City will reach out by email or phone with next steps.

I need to provide documents. How do I do that?

After you have submitted the initial form, the City will provide instructions for which documents to provide and how to submit them. There are many options to submit your documentation:

Refer to the instructions for a full list of documentation that the City is requesting from you. The following documentation will be accepted:

  • Proof of enrollment in any ONE of the following programs (card, letter, or other official document):
    • Hoosier Healthwise
    • Hoosier Works
    • Medicaid
    • SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps
    • WIC
    • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    • Public Housing (FPHA, HCV, Section 8)
    • National School Lunch Program
    • Head Start Community Child Care
    • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
    • Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit
    • Federal Pell Grant
  • 2022 or 2023 Tax Return
  • Additional proof of income as described in the instructions

What are the possible results of the audit?

The City will provide results of the audit to each participant, including any follow-up actions or results. If eligibility is confirmed, results may include:

  • No change in enrollment
  • Change in tier of credit

If eligibility is not confirmed, based on either failure to respond or evidence of false representations made at the time of enrollment, penalties may include:

  • Removal from the program, with option to re-enroll
  • Removal from the program and program suspension for 1 year, with option to re-enroll with proof of eligibility provided at the time of enrollment
  • Other penalties, as appropriate

311 Process Notes

General questions or inquiries should be directed to Madi Rogers (mrogers@southbendin.gov) via Teams or email.

Residents may receive calls from 574-299-4777, a number we are using to contact residents. You may direct residents to call this number, but it is not monitored/answered regularly. Voicemails are accepted and will go to uap@southbendin.gov.

If a resident calls to complete the online form:

  1. Open the Initial Notice Form
  2. Complete the form with the resident
  3. Inform the resident that someone will follow up within 5 business days via their preferred contact method (phone or email) during their preferred contact time.

If a resident wants to confirm they have been audited:

  1. Open the Audit Tracking Sheet (shared with 311 team)
  2. Open the Audit Tracking Sheet tab
  3. Ask for the resident's name and/or Utility Account Number
  4. Search for the name and/or account number in the sheet (column C or D)
  5. Confirm the resident is included in the audit OR confirm they are NOT being audited

If a resident wants to know what their next steps are:

  1. Open the Audit Tracking Sheet (shared with 311 team)
  2. Open the Audit Tracking Sheet tab
  3. Ask for the resident's name and/or Utility Account Number
  4. Search for the name and/or account number in the sheet (column C or D)
  5. Look at the Audit Status in column A. You may share this status with the resident and explain next steps:
    1. Not started: This means the audit team has not sent an initial notice. The resident should wait until the City sends an initial notice via mail, email, or phone.
    2. 1st Outreach: The resident needs to complete the Initial Notice Form. You may fill out this form with the resident over the phone.
    3. Collecting documents: The residents needs to submit their documents. See section above for instructions to submit documents in person, by mail, or by email.
    4. Reviewing documents: The City is reviewing documents and may reach out to the resident if more documents are needed. See the Notes section (column B) to see if the City has requested additional information.
    5. Action plan follow-up: No action needed from the resident. The City has concluded document review and will reach out to residents with the results of their audit.
    6. Complete: No action needed from the resident. Their audit is complete.
    7. Unresponsive: The resident has been unresponsive at some point during the audit. See the Notes section (column B) to see if the City has requested additional information.