Leak Adjustment

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Leak Adjustment

Can I get a leak adjustment if I discover a leak in my home/business?

  • The Utility charges for all water that passes through the meter.
  • Residential Customers (including Multi-Family accounts):
    • The Utility does not offer leak adjustments, but will assist with payment arrangements should any customer receive a large bill due to a leak.
    • Residential sewer charges are maximized based on average use during the most recent winter quarter. Customers who experience a leak during the winter months that may artificially increase their sewer maximum for the rest of the year may submit a written request to the Utility to review and adjust the average winter consumption.
  • Non-Residential Customers:
    • May be eligible for a leak adjustment on the sewer charges only if there is sufficient evidence provided to the Utility that the leaked water did not enter the sewer system.
    • Requests for sewer adjustments must be submitted to the utility in writing. Necessary documentation includes:
      • All customer contact information and service address;
      • Description of the issue, including dates. For example: water heater was rusted and leaking starting on 11/1, sink leaking onto the floor and water evaporated starting on March 3, etc.
      • Description of when the leak was fixed and any receipts related to the repair. If the customer/property-owner completed the repairs themselves, provide plumber invoice or anything showing proof of repairs; and 
      • Proof and/or documentation that the leaked water did not enter the sewer system.
    • A Utility Supervisor will monitor the account for at least two billing cycles following the stated date of repair to verify that consumption has returned to normal.
      • If consumption has returned to normal the Utility may credit 0%-100% of the excess sewer charges, depending on the percentage of water that has been shown to the satisfaction of the Utility not to have entered the sewer system.
    • Additional eligibility requirements:
      • Consumption is at least double average usage;
      • Consumption is at least 20 CCF more than average usage; and
      • Total consumption is at least 30 CCF.
    • Adjustments were made to no more than two months' bills.
    • Customers are limited to one leak adjustment every two years.

What to do if you think you have a water leak?

Every monthly bill statement shows a history of billed water usage.   If your bill shows elevated water usage, the Utility recommends the following steps:

  • Check for leaks.  The most common leaks are dripping faucets, running toilets, running water softeners, water heater leaking, etc.
  • One basic test that the customer can complete without assistance is to do the following:
    • If a leak is detected, it is the responsibility of the customer to hire a plumber to investigate.  The Utility does not investigate indoor leaks.
    • If you believe a toilet is leaking somewhere, you may pick up one free dye tablet package from Utility customer service office at 125 W Colfax Ave.
    • Locate water meter (basement, crawl space or utility room)
    • Make sure all water sources such as washer, dishwasher, shower, faucets, etc. are all off and no toilets have recently been flushed.
    • Look to see if the dial or numbers on the meter are registering (moving).  If so, water is registering and there is probably a leak somewhere.

If a leak is not discovered, please call 574-233-0311 (311)

311 Process Notes

If it is determined that the customer does not have a leak, a work order will be entered for a meter investigation.  This will go to the Data Processing work queue within Billing.