Installment Plan for Utility Bill

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Installment Plan for Utility Bill

Utility offers various installment plans for its customers. Read below for customer eligibility and where and when residents can enter into these arrangements.

What Installment Plans do the Utility offer?

The Utility offers a number of payment arrangements to help customers avoid disconnection of service:

  1. Payment Extensions (please see Payment Extension Article)
  2. Installment Plan
    • The Utility will enter into a deferred payment arrangement (Installment Plan) if the customer:
      • Pays a reasonable portion of their total balance down (the Utility's standard installment plan requires 25% down within 24 hours of starting the Installment Plan).
      • Has paid unpaid deposits. 
      • Agrees to pay the remainder of the past-due balance within three (3) months in addition to new bills that become due.
    • Installment plans must be either completed by calling 311 or (574)233-0311 or in person at the 311 Customer Service office by 4:00 p.m. on the payment deadline date printed on the red disconnect notice and/or provided through the delinquency phone calls.
    • No installment plans will be entered into after an account has been processed for disconnection.  Additionally, failed Installment plans will make the account holder ineligible to obtain an additional Installment Plan for 60 days.

311 Process Notes

Customers can also get help with paying their utility bill in these ways:

Utilities started the water shut off process on December 1, 2022. Utilities will conduct the first shut offs at the end of December. Currently, customers can set up installment plans in-person at the Utilities office at 125 W. Colfax Ave. or call 311.

Customers can sign up for an installment plan if they have received a disconnection notice and are unable to make payment prior to the specified shut off date.  Please note, that failed Installment plans will make the account holder ineligible to obtain an additional Installment Plan for 60 days from date of break. Please review the billing tab in enQuesta to see if there has been a broken installment within the past 60 days.