Water Rates & Charges

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Water Rates & Charges

The article below explains where to find water, sewer and clean air rates and charges.  It also explains the pending water rates and charges increase.

Why did the City increase Water rates?

Water rates last increased January 25th, 2023. There was a comprehensive rate adjustment for years 2022-2025 which was approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. This water rate increase was approved January 25th, 2023. 

What are the Water Rates & Charges?

Current Water Rates & Charges due as of January 1st, 2025.



Where can I find Sewer Rates?

For Sewer Rates & Charges, click here.

An ordinance of the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, amending various sections of the South Bend Municipal Code within Chapter 16 at articles 1 and 2 and within Chapter 17 at Article 2, Division 4; Article 4, Article 14, and Article 15 to provide a comprehensive adjustment to rates for South Bend Utility customer in the city's furnishment of trash, sewer, water, storm water and the Low-Income Customer Assistance Program.  

The purpose of this comprehensive rate adjustment is to provide a multi-year plan that meets the operational and capital needs of South Bend utilities by gradually adjusting rates to generate sufficient cash flow.  The increases are based on the recommendations of a comprehensive utility long-term rate plan commissioned by the City.  The new rates are for 2022 through 2025.

Clean Air charges are billed pursuant to Section 9-22 of South Bend Municipal Ordinance.