Quality of Life Complaints

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Quality of Life Complaints

The South Bend Chronic Problem Property ordinance, which went into effect October 15, 2013, addresses issues with repeat problem calls from local properties.  These calls consist of a combination of verified complaints, ordinance violations, letters issued by the Police Department, Neighborhood Service & Enforcement, or the Legal Department.  Sergeant Jarveair Bourn has been assigned to oversee implementation.

Where can I report Quality of Life Complaints?

Call SBPD Sergeant Jarveair Bourn at: 574-235-9401

  • People who call in a complaint will NOT have calls for service counted against them
  • Crime victims calling for police assistance will not be subject to fines 

Who is involved in Quality of Life Complaints?

  • South Bend Community Resource Officers
  • Neighborhood Services and Enforcement
  • The Legal Department
  • Property owners
  • People who call in complaints

When are Quality of Life Complaints investigated?

Complaints are investigated during business hours; 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

What happens to property owners?

The City will fine property owners based on the number of problem calls. Each call above the limits established in the legislation will result in a $250 fine. Those limits are:

  • 5+ calls in a 60-day period for a property with 50 or fewer units
  • 12+ calls in a 90-day period for a property with 51 or more units
  • Each and every call thereafter up to one calendar year

How do I get more information on Quality of Life Complaints?

Learn more about the South Bend Chronic Problem Properties Ordinance by visiting the Chronic Problem Properties page on the City website