Vacant and Abandoned Property

Views: 1334

Vacant and Abandoned Property

Vacant and abandoned properties are defined as properties where no one has lived in for at least 90 days and has a housing related code violation that has not been addressed for more than 30 days.

What qualifies as a vacant and abandoned property?

A property is categorized as vacant and abandoned when no one has lived in it for at least 90 days and also has a housing related code violation that has not been addressed for more than 30 days.

If this occurs, then you must register your home with Neighborhood Services & Enforcement. More details are available in the Vacant and Abandoned Property Registration article.

How do I get more information on Vacant and Abandoned Properties?

You can get more information by calling 311 or by learning more about vacant and abandoned properties on the City's website.

List of All Vacant and Abandoned Properties

311 Process Notes

For Vacant Property Inquiry please get: 

Resident contact info

Vacant property address


If resident needs to register their vacant and abandoned property, please see "Vacant and Abandoned Registration" article.