Dispute or Appeal an Invoice from Neighborhood Services & Enforcement

Views: 846

Dispute or Appeal an Invoice from Neighborhood Services & Enforcement

How do I dispute or appeal an invoice?

You can complete the form by going online to complete an invoice dispute form

311 Process Notes

  • Ask if the paper says INVOICE or ORDINANCE VIOLATION CITATION in the top right. 
    • If it is ORDINANCE VIOLATION CITATION, then it is the OVB/Clerk's office appeal form
  • If it is an INVOICE, then use these options below:
    • Share link to form via email
      • Text for email: Here is the link to the Neighborhood Services & Enforcement invoice dispute form. Please follow the instructions on the form to submit it to Neighborhood Services & Enforcement within 10 days of the invoice date. 
    • Create service request to NSE so they mail a copy to resident
    • Pick up form in NSE office, 13th Floor of County-City Building