Water Service Line Material Survey

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Water Service Line Material Survey

The City of South Bend distributes clean, safe drinking water to homes and businesses that meets all state and federal water quality standards. As part of new Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations, public water utilities are now required to identify all drinking water service line materials.

South Bend Municipal Utilities customers can complete a survey identifying their service line material at southbendin.gov/serviceline

Customers will need to locate where their water service line enters their home or business, typically in the basement or utility area. This is where customers will perform a scratch test and upload a photo for the survey. 

This article will explain how to complete the survey and answer some commonly asked questions.

Why are customers being asked to report their water service line material?

The City is conducting this outreach to comply with new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulations that require all public water utilities to identify all drinking water service line materials by October 2024 and make that information accessible to the public.

How do I complete the service line material survey?

First, you'll need to locate where your water service line enters your home or business, typically in the basement or utility area. It will be near your water meter and/or water shut off valve.  Once you've found it, you'll want to test the part of the pipe coming through the wall or floor.

Customers will need to perform a scratch test on their water service line with a coin and a kitchen magnet to identify the material. 

  • Watch the video: Learn how to identify your service line material with instructional video at  southbendin.gov/serviceline.
  • Locate your water service line where it enters your home or business: Typically in the basement or utility area, your service line will be near your water meter and/or water shut off valve. No plumbing experience needed!
  • Take the five-minute survey: Complete the survey to identify your service line material at southbendin.gov/serviceline or scan the QR code on the postcard. If you need help with the survey or test, don't hesitate to contact us at 311 or waterquality@southbendin.gov.

How does this test tell me what material my service line is made of?

Your pipe may be one of the following materials with a description below.  If the pipe appears to be a different material than those listed, you can choose other or unknown.

Plastic:  Non-metallic and a magnet will NOT stick

Copper:  The color of a penny and a magnet will NOT stick

Galvanized:  A dull grey color and a magnet WILL stick

Lead:  A shinier grey color and a magnet will NOT stick


Call 311 with any questions concerning your service line or to request a free lead test kit for your water. 

311 Process Notes

If you get any questions about service line identification, send calls to Jon Medich at x6098. 

Calls about water quality or water testing can be sent to Michelle Smith at x5994.