Loose Dog

Views: 495

Loose Dog

Anyone can report an animal running at large within the corporate city limits of South Bend.  South Bend Animal Resource Center will need to know where the animal is located, which direction it was last seen running in (if not able to confine), when it was last seen, if it is aggressive/injured/sick and a description of the animal. If the caller is able to safely confine the animal, it would be most helpful to the responding Animal Control Officer.

When can I report a loose dog?


SBARC will dispatch an Animal Control Officer for any animal running at large Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm.  SBARC will not dispatch an Animal Control Officer outside of these times unless the animal is posing a threat to public safety, i.e. attacking other animals or humans or is injured. 

If the animal is running at large between 5:00 pm and 8:30 am and the animal is aggressive they need to call police dispatch at 235-9201. 


What is a loose dog?

A loose dog is any dog running at large within city limits without an owner nearby. There is no cost to report a loose dog.

What is a loose dog?

A loose dog, is any dog running at large within the city limits without an owner nearby. 

There is no cost to report a loose dog. 

How can I report a loose dog running in my neighborhood?

Reports of animals running loose can be made by contacting 311.

311 Process Notes

For emergency situations, please contact x9309 or 574-220-5425.

SBARC will dispatch an officer if there is a dog running at large Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30am and 5pm.  If residents contact 311 outside of SBARC's normal business hours, should be directed to the non-emergency police.

If the caller can safely contain the animal, please ask them to do so. 

If the animal is safely contained please ask if the caller is able to bring the animal to the shelter. Depending on our volume of calls for service and the priority of the calls , sometimes it is quicker for the caller to bring the animal in versus waiting for an ACO to respond. 

If the caller is able able safely contain the animal and unable to bring the animal to us, please note that the caller (or a competent adult) will have to physically be at their residence if the animal is contained on their property in order for us to take the animal off of the property. 

For emergency calls, please reach SBARC at x9309. 

Please enter a case in PetPoint for an officer to review the property.

  1. Login to the PetPoint webpage with your credentials
    1. Shelter ID: USIN57
  2. From the top ribbon, click on
    1. Case
    2. Add Case
  3. Under the Details tab in Case Details, please enter:
    1. Case Category: Incident
    2. Case Type: Enforcement
    3. Case Subtype: RAL
    4. Case Status: Open
    5. Case Officer: Call for Service
    6. Additional Information: Any applicable call notes
    7. Street Address: Location of the incident
      1. If needed, utilize 311 Reference Map to find address
    8. Zip Code: Enter Zip Code for the location and click on the green arrows button
      1. Clicking on the green arrow button will populate the city and City Alias
    9. Cross Street: Enter the nearest cross street to the listed address, keep blank if reporting an intersection
    10. Type of Location: Enter applicable location type from the dropdown
    11. Number of Animals: Number related to the case
    12. Person Reporting Info: Add name and/or Phone Number
      1. If wanting to report anonymously, please enter “Anonymous”
    13. Click the green “Save” button at the bottom of the page
  4. Under the Activities tab in Activity Details, please enter:
    1. Activity Type: Dispatch
    2. Activity Subtype: RAL Stray Confined or RAL Stray Not Confined
    3. Priority: Normal is standard, adjust for situation
    4. Activity Owner: Call for Service
    5. Click the green “Save” button at the bottom of the page
  5. After clicking the green “Save” button, the page should refresh and the case has dispatched to SBARC