Pay a Parking Ticket

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Pay a Parking Ticket

How do I pay a parking ticket?

There are three (3) ways you can pay a parking ticket:

  1. Pay an AIMS parking ticket online by clicking here.
  2. Pay in person to the Ordinance Violations Bureau, located within the Legal Department at 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., Suite 12S, South Bend, IN 46601.
  3. Mail a check to the Ordinance Violations Bureau at 1200 County-City Building, 227. W. Jefferson Blvd., Suite 12S, South Bend, IN 46601.

This is my first parking ticket of the year. Is it a warning?

Every calendar year, the first Time Zone violation parking ticket for each license plate receives a warning.

No money is owed for those tickets. The offender can call the Ordinance Violations Bureau at 574-235-9462 to confirm that it is a warning ticket or check the status online by clicking here and searching your ticket number or license plate number.

This does not apply to other types of violations such as parking in front of a fire hydrant, handicapped space, permit/reserved space, etc.