Handicap Parking Space Signs

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Handicap Parking Space Signs

The City may install a limited number of handicap parking space signs in front of residential homes for individuals with a demonstrable need who meet certain criteria. 

Applications must be approved by the City’s Board of Public Works. If approved, the handicap parking space sign is valid for five years. 

What information is needed to apply for a handicap parking space sign?

Individuals seeking a handicap parking space sign in front of their residential home will need to provide:

  • A copy of the individual’s current, valid driver’s license
  • A current letter from the individual’s physician on letterhead stating that this individual is disabled. The letter must include a short statement on how the disability affects the individual’s mobility, information about any assistive device that is required for mobility and a statement confirming that this individual requires a handicap accessible parking sign in front of the residence.
  • A photo of the front and rear entrance of the residence showing that there is no other flat, unobstructed access to the front and/or rear of the home, such as a driveway or alley access to a garage in the rear of the home.
  • A completed application form.

Completed applications and the required documents listed below can be emailed to kmalas@southbendin.gov or mailed to:

City of South Bend
Department of Public Works
227 W Jefferson Blvd., Ste 1316
South Bend, IN  46601

I have questions about the application process. Who can I contact?

Residents should email kmalas@southbendin.gov or call the Department of Public Works at 574.235.9251.

How long does the approval process take?

It can take four to six weeks to go through the Board of Public Works process.

If approved, how long is the handicap parking space sign valid?

The sign is valid for five years. Once the five-year period is up, the City will mail out a renewal form to the applicant.

I am a caretaker or driver of a handicapped person. Can I have a handicapped parking space?

Unfortunately, the City can only provide handicap parking space signs in front of residential homes to the individuals with the demonstrable need, not their caretakers.

311 Process Notes

Inquiries should be directed to Kathleen Malas at x5929.