Recycling Information

Views: 11530

Recycling Information

Who is eligible for recycling services?

Any resident of St. Joseph County, including those residing within South Bend City limits.

What can I recycle?

Find a list of Accepted and Unaccepted Curbside Recycling Materials on St. Joseph County's Solid Waste Management District’s website.

Note: Solid Waste Management District accepts plastics #1-5 and #7 that are rinsed and have caps removed in the normal curbside recycling.

Read Indiana University South Bend Center for a Sustainable Future’s Guide for more information on recycling, reuse, and proper disposal.

How do I get more information on recycling services?

You can request more information by calling the Solid Waste Management District at 574-235-9971.

Visit the St. Joseph County's Solid Waste Management District's website to use the Curbside Coverage Map to find your curbside collection days schedule.

311 Process Notes

Please refer residents to the Solid Waste Management District for schedule inquiries.

For missed collections, please refer to Borden Waste-Away at 1-800-683-6801.