Street Sweeping

Views: 1840

Street Sweeping

Street sweeping should be requested when the material is limited to "normal" street dirt.  Items larger than sand or small stones should be reported under Debris in the Street Knowledge Base Article.

When is Street Sweeping provided?

City street sweepers sweep the entire city at least twice over the course of the spring and summer via set routes and schedules.  The superintendent will evaluate the street mentioned in the call and depending upon what is found may:

Dispatch a city sweeper to attend to the issue if it is causing a dangerous or hazardous situation


Make a note to pay particular attention to that street during the next scheduled round.

How do I request Street Sweeping?

During normal business hours (7:30 am - 5:30 pm), contact 311.

Please provide contact information and address or block number (Ex: 1500 block of Brookfield).

This information will be forwarded to the Unit 211 driver.