Street Flooding

Views: 797

ST-INCIDENT: Street Flooding

Street Flooding:  When the entire surface of the street lane is covered with water and the street surface is no longer visible.

Where is the flooding located?

Please provide the following:

The street name and closest address or block number (Ex: 1500 block of Brookfield)

Closest cross street?

Can you see where the water is coming from?

Is the water standing on one side of the street only or is it completely across the road?

Estimated depth?  DO NOT go into standing water to see.  Answer this question only if you can estimate from a safe position.

This information will be given to a supervisor for evaluation.

When should I report Street Flooding?

IF IT IS NOT RAINING OR HAS NOT BEEN RAINING -  Report Street Flooding immediately.

IF IT HAS BEEN RAINING - If the rainfall is what we would consider to be "typical", please wait until at least one (1) hour after all rain has stopped before reporting.  It may take that long for the system to empty and let the standing water drain into the collection system.

If there has been significant rainfall, please allow additional time to allow the system to catch up before reporting.   

How do I report street flooding?

During normal business hours (7:30 am - 5:30 pm), contact 311.

After normal business hours, contact 311 and follow the prompts to report a Street Emergency.

For 311: