Street Light Issue

Views: 12407

Street Light Issue

The City of South Bend wants to know if there are street light outages in your neighborhood! 

Who owns street lights in the City of South Bend?

Both the City of South Bend and AEP own street lights within the city limits.

Street lights owned by AEP are typically mounted on wooden or fiberglass utility poles and have long, slender necks that allow the light to extend over the roadway.

Street lights owned by the City of South Bend typically have metal poles, decorative fixtures, and no overhead wiring.

How do you report a street light outage?

Steps to report streetlight outages differ based on street light ownership (the City or AEP).

If you observe an AEP street light (generally wooden or fiberglass utility poles with a serial number) that is not functioning properly, please report to the AEP website here.

If you observe a city-owned street light (generally metal poles, decorative fixtures, no overhead wiring) that is not functioning properly, please call 311 during normal business hours (7:30 am - 5:30 pm).

When calling 311, please provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact Information
  • Address of streetlight outage(s)
  • Description of issue: Streetlight out, on during the day, cycling, pole down, wiring exposed
  • Pole Material (Metal / Wood / Fiberglass)
  • Pole Number
  • Public safety hazard caused by street light issue (if applicable)

How long will it take to respond to a city-owned street light outage?

Under normal call volume, city staff will respond to a city-owned street light outage in 3 business days. In periods of high call volume, response time may be delayed.

311 Process Notes

2:00 Resolution

Please utilize the 311 Map with the Streetlight layer to confirm the owner of the streetlight and number if available. Then complete a service request for Streets with the address and pole number and any details if needed. If the street light is owned by AEP, please also submit a Street Light Maintenance Request on AEP's website