Additional Trash/Yard Waste Bin Request

Views: 228

Additional Trash/Yard Waste Bin Request

Residents can request an additional trash or yard waste bin by filling out an online request or calling 311. 

What is the cost for an additional bin?

An additional trash bin cost $8.97 per bin per month. An additional yard waste bin is $5.50 per month. The fee is added to the resident's monthly utilities bill. 

Who is eligible for an additional trash bin request?

Any resident paying for City trash services can request an extra bin; however, the person making the request must be the verified account holder for the property. 

I requested an additional bin. When will I get it?

The additional bin will be dropped off on the next trash pickup day. 

How can I request an additional trash container?

Residents can request an additional trash or yard waste bin by filling out an online request or calling 311.

311 Process Notes


  1. Verify last 4 of SSN or Tax ID in Enquesta
  2. Enter the work order in Routeware
    1. 311 Additional Trash Tote Delivery or 311 Additional YW Container for WO Type
    2. Select appropriate date for delivery
    3. For Container Selection, choose Container Type
    4. Select appropriate container size and type for request
    5. Select 311-Tote for Vehicle