Report a Missed Extra Trash Pick-Up

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SW-INCIDENT: Report a Missed Extra Trash Pick-Up


What is the cost to report a missed extra trash pick-up?

If Solid Waste was at fault for the miss, there is no cost.

If the extra pick-up was not within guidelines, the crew can return for a $10.00 return trip fee. 

Things to consider if the pick-up was missed:

  • Confirm your collection day is correct
  • Items must be places at the curb, not in the alley
  • Items must be out by 6AM 
  • The items need to be in an open area, away from poles, mailboxes, fences, cars, containers, trees or low hanging powerlines or tree branches
  • The extra pick-up must be free of paints, solvents, motor oil, tires, yard waste or other hazardous materials

When would the missed extra pick-up be rescheduled?

The extra pick-up miss collection will be determined by Solid Waste, depending on driver availability. Resident will be notified of the date of service. 

How can I report a missed extra trash pick-up?

By going to the City's web site here or by calling the City's 311 call center. 

For 311:

Please send a service request.