Yard Waste Container Replacement Request

Views: 706

Yard Waste Container Replacement Request

If your waste container has become substantially damaged or otherwise incapable of effective use through no fault of the City, or if it was stolen, a new container will be provided for a replacement fee. 

In the event that a tote is stolen, and the resident is able to provide evidence of a police report related to such theft, the City shall supply (1) free replacement tote. 

Who is eligible for Yard Waste Container Replacement Request?

Any resident paying for City Solid Waste services. The person making the request must be the verified account holder.  

When is Yard Waste Container Replacement Request provided?

The yard waste container replacement is provided on the next trash pick-up day. 

What is the cost for Yard Waste Container Replacement Request?

A replacement container fee of $50.00 is added to your monthly utility bill. In the event of a stolen container, the fee will be waived if the resident is able to provide evidence of a verified police report related to the stolen container. 

How can I request Yard Waste Container Replacement Request?

By filling out the web form here or by calling the City's 311 call center .

311 Process Notes

2:00 Resolution

If the resident would like to request a yard waste container replacement, please inform them there will be a charge of $50. If the resident states the container lid, wheels or lift bar were damaged by the crew, please complete a work order for repair in Routeware and link the Request Yard Waste Container Repair article. 

If the resident states their container body was damaged by the crew, please complete a service request with contact info for Solid Waste to assess the damages.