Trash Complaints

Views: 4342

SW-INCIDENT: Trash Complaints

Customers wanting to file a formal complaint against the Division of Solid Waste. 

Who can file a complaint Solid Waste ?

Any person that would like to file a formal complaint against the Division of Solid Waste. 

When will I be contacted?

It is the Division of Solid Waste's goal to address any and all complaints within 48 business hours to ensure customer satisfaction. 

How can I submit my complaint?

You may submit your complaint by calling the City's 311 call center. 

For 311:


Clarifying question that must be asked: Are you filing a formal complaint against the Solid Waste Department?

  • Contact Information (Name, Address, Phone and Email)
    •  What is the Nature of complaint?
    • What is the location?

It is currently used to bring neglected calls to the supervisor’s attention as well as original complaints. As of 3/2015 call is used for all complaints including discourteous to customer and mess left by crew. All calls transferred must go to the secretaries’ first. Under no circumstances are calls to be dropped to any voicemails.