Report a Sewer Smell

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Report a Sewer Smell

Where are you smelling sewer odor?

When reporting sewer smell, the following information is helpful:

Are you smelling the Sewer odor inside or outside?

Is it stronger in one place than another?


When will someone come out to check the sewer smell?

The Sewer Department's first response will be to contact you by telephone and give you information on some treatments that can be tried to get rid of the smell.  These are also useful for preventive maintenance to keep the issue from reoccurring.

If you try the remedies and are still smelling a sewer odor, please call 311 back and reference the first call.  Sewer Department personnel will then respond to the address to investigate further.

How do I report a sewer smell?

During normal business hours (7:30 am - 5:30 pm), contact 311.

After normal business hours, contact 311 and follow the telephone prompts for a Sewer Emergency.

Provide name, contact information and address where smell is occurring.

This information will be given to a supervisor for evaluation.

311 Process Notes


Call should be entered into CRM; caller is kept on the line and the call is soft transferred to Street Dispatch (x9244).

After-hours number 574-876-6577