Report a Clogged Catch Basin

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Report a Clogged Catch Basin

Catch basins are storm drains located at the curb line on city streets. They are designed to collect stormwater from the street and direct it into the City’s sewer system. When trash and debris get into the catch basin, it can make water pool and ultimately, cause street flooding.

A rain event, combined with a collection of too many leaves, trash and other debris, can overwhelm and clog catch basins. If you see a clogged or non-functioning catch basin, call 311 or submit a service request online.

Note: During prolonged periods of heavy rain, the drainage infrastructure and catch basins can reach capacity and may take time to clear.

What can I do to keep my catch basin unclogged?

Help keep your catch basin clear of debris by disposing of trash, grass clippings and leaves properly. 

How do I report a clogged catch basin?

You can report a plugged catch basin by filling out the online form or calling 311 between the hours of 7:30 am and 5:30 pm.

Be sure to include:

- Your contact information in case we have additional questions
- Location of the catch basin such as street address, intersection or block number (ie: 1500 block of Brookfield)
- Number of affected catch basins
- Type of items (leaves, trash, etc.) causing the blockage

I submitted a service request for a plugged catch basin. When will it be cleaned?

The Streets & Sewers Division responds to clogged catch basins within 24 hours of a service request submitted during business hours.