Walking and Biking Trails

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Walking and Biking Trails

There are many walking and biking trails in the City of South Bend.  Several of the larger parks have walking paths either through them or surrounding them. A well-developed trail system runs through the city, much of it along the banks of the St. Joseph River, open for fitness or leisure use of all the community. Rum Village Park has a series of forest hiking trails of varying length through its property, and the annex at Rum Village has a mountain bike trail system available for public recreation.

How do I get more information on walking and biking trails?

The best maps of the bike and walking trail system is hosted by the City of South Bend website.

For information about the hiking trails and mountain bike trails at Rum Village and the Rum Village Annex, more information is available here.

Where are walking and biking trails?

The bicycle network works throughout the enter city. The trail network runs from the northern city limits to the eastern city limits following the river with a few substantial spurs into the neighborhoods.

When can you use walking and biking trails?

Weather is the only hindrance to using any of these amenities. Concrete trails and walkways are cleared when possible in the winter months.

Who can use the walking and biking trails?

Mountain bikers can use the mountain bike trails at the Rum Village annex. Families, bird-watchers, and naturalist-minded hikers and anyone interested in outdoor walking can be involved in the walking trails at Rum Village Park. Dog-walkers, fitness joggers, bikers, and casual leisure walkers can enjoy the river-view and use the trail system for transportation.