I Received a Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Letter

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I Received a Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Letter

Neighborhood Services & Enforcement sends a citation letter to the property owner of record stating the Neighborhood Services & Enforcement violation.  The letter will also state how many days the owner has to take care of the violation before the inspector will follow up. If the problem is not taken care of, the inspector will either forward it to the NEAT crew who handles litter and vegetation or to the Parks Department who handles grass and graffiti to resolve the violation.

Why did I receive a Neighborhood Services & Enforcement letter?

Neighborhood Services & Enforcement violations may include, sub-standard structure issues, environmental problems (litter, tall grass, vegetation), and zoning issues. 

Here are some examples of what the letters look like: 

Environmental Violation: This is a letter notifying the property owner of an environmental violation (grass, litter, vegetation) that has occurred on their property, they are recommended to have the violation cleaned in 48 hours but the inspector will be back in 10 days to reinspect.

Substandard Property Violation: 10 Day30 Day24 Hour  A letter sent to the property owner advising them they have a Neighborhood Services & Enforcement violation, listing the violation, then giving them a stated time-frame to complete the repairs.

Stern Reminder: A letter sternly stating the property owner has 48 hours to complete the documented Neighborhood Services & Enforcement violations previously noted on the home, or they will be brought in for a Neighborhood Services & Enforcement hearing; this letter is sent after they fail to comply with a 30 day housing letter.

Interior Inspection Request: A reminder letter of a missed scheduled interior inspection with the neighborhood inspector. 

Order to Secure: An order informing the owner an access point to the home needs to be secured by boarding up the opening.

Zoning Violation: this is a letter informing the property owner they have a zoning violation (front yard parking, vacant lot parking, automotive repair business) and have 10 days to comply.

Ordinance Violation Citation 


Affidavit of Debt

How long do I have to fix the issue?


24 hours

10 days

20 days

30 days

45 days

Order to Vacate (posted on property)




Secure Order





Environmental Violation (grass, litter, vegetation)





Zoning Violation




Substandard Property (depends on violation)






Invoice (work performed)



Ordinance Violation Citation




What if the issue isn't my fault?

Unfortunately, it is the property owner's responsibility to maintain their property. 

Many environmental violations can be remedied by scheduling a special pick-up through the City's Division of Solid Waste. You are able to request and schedule a special trash pick-up by calling 311. 

If we have sent a letter to your property by mistake, please call 311. 

If you are no longer the owner of the property, please call 311.

How do I fix the violation?

Remedy the violation described in the letter by cleaning it up or completing the necessary repairs. Violations must be remedied in the time frame stated in the letter.


If there is a couch on the treelawn, please remove or call 311 to schedule a special pick up.

If a broken window or door is exposed, board up the broken window or door.

If there is litter in the back alley, clean up and put in the trash receptacle.

311 Process Notes

Ask for the record ID  (its in the header, under the property address, typically ENV-, or HSG-)

  • Search in ACA using the record ID provided
    • Look at the "processing status" and clarify any questions from the resident (go to attachments to view photos)


  • If the resident wants an extension/needs more time: 
    • Create service request with record ID in the notes, so Neighborhood Services & Enforcement team can call them back before the end of the business day. 


  • If caller says that the letter was sent to them by mistake, please verify address using GIS or Google Maps.
    • If it seems legitimate, please create a service request with contact info, Accela record ID, and mistaken address. 


  • If the resident requests a special trash pick up for the same day or the next day, create service request with scheduled date and the record ID. 
    • If the scheduled trash pick up is not within 24 hours advise resident to move items away from the curb until the appropriate time


  • If resident expresses that the letter is "blank", please search in Accela using the record ID and look up the photos. 


  • If resident claims that they do not own the property, please transfer the call to Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Team ext. 9486.