Bed Bugs

Views: 468

Bed Bugs

Currently Neighborhood Services & Enforcement does not respond to bed bug complaints.

According to the Health Department, bed bugs are not known to transmit disease to humans and are, therefore, considered a nuisance pest. Because of that reason, the Health Department does not investigate bed bug complaints. The Health Department recommends having the apartment, house, etc. checked for pests prior to moving in. The Health Department suggests contacting a professional exterminator if bed bugs are found.

For more resources on bed bugs visit the Indiana State Department of Health.  

311 Process Notes

If resident describes other structural problems within the property, please see "Interior Inspection Request" article.

The Health Dept. recommends having the apartment, house, etc. checked for pests prior to moving in.

If there are bed bugs, the best thing to do is to contact a professional exterminator.