Smoking in Bars Regulations

Views: 345

Smoking in Bars Regulations

Smoking is prohibited in enclosed public places within the City of South Bend.  Violations may result in verbal and written warnings, fines for each occurrence, and a possible restraining order or preliminary and permanent injunction.

Where is Smoking in Bars Regulations occurring?

The regulation applies to any area in which the public is permitted within city limits.

Please note: The Four Winds Casino is NOT within city limits, so it is excluded from this regulation.

Who is involved in Smoking in Bars Regulations?

Neighborhood Services & Enforcement and South Bend Police Department enforce this regulation. Additionally, the St. Joseph County Health Department, the South Bend Fire Department or their designee may, while an establishment is undergoing a mandatory inspection, inspect the compliance of this regulation.

How do I get more information on Smoking in Bars Regulations?

Please call 311 or you can obtain more information by referencing the South Bend Municipal Code.

311 Process Notes

Complaint Intake Questions: 

  • What is the name of the establishment?
  • What is the address?
  • When did you observe the violation - date/time?
  • What is your contact information? (optional)