Demolition Bid Process

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Demolition Bid Process

Properties with affirmed demolition orders will be sent a notice of Demolition Bid Opening prior to demolition. The notice is sent to the owner's mailing address as recorded with the County. The notice will also be placed as a classified advertisement in the South Bend Tribune. The notice provides the day and time that demolition bids will be placed by the contractors. 

What is the Demolition Bid Process?

In addition to the classified notice in the South Bend Tribune, the property owner is also notified of the demolition bid opening which grants the demolition order to the lowest bidder.

If the owner wants to repair the property and avoid this process, he or she must meet with the Director of Neighborhood Services & Enforcement to sign an Executive Repair Agreement and post a cash performance bond. This must be complete no later than five (5) days before the posted bid opening.

The owner will be responsible for any costs incurred for asbestos testing, reconnecting utilities, and any other fees involved in the preparation to demolish. After demolition is complete, the owner will be billed for the cost of demolition, testing, administrative, and any other applicable fees. If the invoice is unpaid and no payment plan has been established, it may be sent to collections and/or have a special assessment placed against the property.

The owner has the right to salvage any materials/content of the structures. The owner has 5 days from the date of the notice to inform Neighborhood Services & Enforcement of any demands. Otherwise, the demolition contractor retains all rights for salvage materials/contents.

Once a property is scheduled to be bid out, the utilities will be retired.

After the demolition the property is still owned by the owner of record. The owner is responsible for all property maintenance. All fees and fines for any violations are billed to the owner.

Who is involved in Demolition Bid Process?

The Demolition Bid Process is a joint venture between the Board of Public Works, the Division of Engineering and Neighborhood Services & Enforcement.

How do I get more information on Demolition Bid Process?

For more information on how to bid on a demolition, contact the Division of Engineering at  574-235-9251; and after the bid has been assigned, please call 311 for more information. 

311 Process Notes

If it is a contractor that wants to bid, please transfer call to Engineering: ext. 9251

Create a CRM service request if it is a resident that has questions about a property up for demolition, so Neighborhood Services & Enforcement Team can call back: 

Property address they want more information on