Snow Removal Disability Exemption and Waiver of Liability

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Snow Removal Disability Exemption and Waiver of Liability

While it is still the responsibility of the owner/occupant to remove the snow, any city resident who is unable to shovel snow from public sidewalks is eligible to complete a Snow Removal Disability Exemption and Waiver of Liability form.

What is a Snow Removal Disability Exemption and Waiver of Liability form?

This form provides written verification of disability and allows the disabled party to be exempt from Neighborhood Services & Enforcement snow violation citations. However, it is still the responsibility of the owner/occupant to remove the snow. 

When is the Snow Removal Disability Exemption and Waiver of Liability available?

This form can be completed anytime during the year.  It can be done online, in person, or by mail.

How do I get more information on Snow Removal Disability Exemption and Waiver of Liability?

For more information go to Snow Waiver or contact 311.

311 Process Notes

We can create a service request to have the form mailed to the resident. One can also be picked up on the 13th floor of the County-City Building.