Lead Hazard Reduction Grant (Federal)
- What is the Lead Hazard Reduction Grant?
- To Whom is the Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Available?
- Who is eligible for this grant?
- What does the grant cover?
- How do residents apply?
- 311 Process Notes
Lead Hazard Reduction Grant (Federal) through the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).
What is the Lead Hazard Reduction Grant?
The City of South Bend is a recipient of $2,300,000 Lead Hazard Reduction Grant funding through the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH). The grant is for the identification and control of lead hazards in 100 homes, either rental or owner occupied.
Who is eligible for this grant?
Eligible applicants:
- Live in owner occupied homes or rental units constructed prior to 1978
- Households are at 80% or below of area median income based on household size.
- Live in a unit that is the primary residence for a child under 6, or a secondary location that a child under 6 spends substantial time in (grandparent's home, etc.)
If it is not an owner-occupied property, the property owner/landlord is required to sign an affordability agreement. Priority will be given to homes where children under 6 or, pregnant people reside.