
Reporting a Pothole

Warming and cooling cycles create the conditions for potholes as water gets into the cracks and freezes.

For potholes in an alley, refer to the Alley Maintenance Knowledge Base Article.    

How do I report a pothole on a city street?

Report a pothole online by clicking on "Request This Service" in the top right corner to fill out the online form.

Potholes can also be reported by calling 311 during normal business hours from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. Include details such as the:

  • Pothole location (street address or block information, direction of travel, distance from curb)
  • Damage type (single pothole, multiple potholes, pavement cracking, rough pavement)

If you feel that you have sustained damage as a result of this pothole please contact the City's Legal Department at 574.235.9241.

Who fixes potholes on roads within the city limits?

Street maintenance in South Bend depends on ownership of the roadway. The City's Streets & Sewers division maintains most streets within city limits. State roads are maintained by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT).    

State Roads maintained by INDOT include State Road 23 (South Bend Avenue, Eddy Street, Sample Street between Eddy and Chapin, Chapin south of Sample, and Prairie Avenue) and State Road 933/US 31 (Lincoln Way East. To report streets maintained by INDOT, call 1.855.463.6848. 

How are potholes fixed?

Crews will do multiple sweeps of all City-maintained streets neighborhood-by-neighborhood in spring, once snow thaws, and in late fall, after ReLeaf program ends. Each pothole city-wide sweep takes one to two weeks depending on volume.  

During winter months, City crews use temporary material or "cold patch" to fill potholes due to the temperature of the pavement. Once asphalt plants reopen in the spring, crews use a more permanent material or a "hot patch" to fill potholes. 

How long does it take to respond to potholes on city- owned streets? 

The Streets & Sewer division will evaluate and repair reported defects in the streets within a reasonable time frame. Street crews will fill all visible potholes found during pothole repair season sweeps.  

Outside of pothole repair season, crews will respond to pothole requests within 72 hours if weather permits. 

311 Process Notes

Please utilize this article for potholes in streets. If there is a pothole in an alley, please use the Alley Maintenance Request article.

If a resident would like to have their alley or driveway approach "smoothed out," please submit a service request with their contact information.

If the caller is reporting damage to their vehicle, direct them to the information in the Liability Claims article through city Legal office if they believe they have a claim against the City.